VII Congreso Smart Grids. Madrid, 16 diciembre 2020

Cooperative Microgrids with advanced functionalities for solving the energy integration in enviroments with critical loads.

The Project Interreg SUDOE IMPROVEMENT was presented in the National Congress on Smart Grids, proposing solutions for the integration of renewable energy systems in facilities with critical loads.  These can be found in hospitals, military facilites, banks, airports and transport stations, research centres and universities, as well as other kind of public buildings. This kind of environments are always particular due to the extreme sensibility of this equipment to power disturbances. For scientific considerations in universities and technological center, as well as, for sanitary reasons in hospitals and for security reasons in railways stations or airports, power quality and continuity of supply must be considered as fundamentals aspects.

On the other hand, this kind of buildings use a lot of steam, hot water, air conditioning can often benefit from heat, cool and power generation from microgrids, which allows them to integrate different energy arrays from renewable energy resources. Combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP)  plants not only allow the use the waste heat created in power generation but also give flexibility to the integration of renewable energy systems in buildings. This makes CCHP a highly efficient form of energy.

The huge energy quantity of required energy by these facilities make it necessary to integrate several microgrids working in a cooperative mode while the resilience is guaranteed. The dedicated space for energy storage purposes is also limited in these buildings. As solution an innovative hybrid Energy Storage System with high power and high energy density composed by hydrogen and batteries is used.  The energy storage possibilities can be used as flexibility point for the system operator.

In the communication were presented an innovative Energy Management System, based on Stochastic and Distributed Model Predictive Techniques giving the possibilities of participating in the day-ahead market but also offering flexibility services to the system operator working as cooperative microgrids guaranteing the resilence under a possible grid black out at each optimization instant of the full day optimization.

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  1. Joaquin

    Muy buena noticia

    1. Joaquin


  2. Joaquin



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