Between June 20 and 22, 2022, the XVIII Iberian Congress and the XIV Ibero-American Congress on Solar Energy (CIES 2022) took place on the university campus of Palma de Mallorca (Spain), bringing together researchers and experts from the Ibero-American community, Spanish and Portuguese speakers, from the numerous fields of solar energy applications. 

At CIES 2022, a communication was presented by LNEG as a partner of the IMPROVEMENT Sudoe project, with the dissemination of monitoring systems, consumption management and energy efficiency solutions and combined integration of cooling, heating and renewable energy storage in public buildings. 

The CIES 2022 congress celebrates 40 years of regular editions alternating between Portugal and Spain, resulted in its XVIII edition of the joint organization between the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and the Spanish Association of Solar Energy (AEDES), with the objective of debating the role of solar energy in the current context of the energy transition and the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 agenda. 

The congress sessions hosted research, development and innovation works on current topics and the most recent advances in the field of solar energy - thermal and photovoltaic - as well as their applications in sustainable construction, energy management and storage, education and training in renewable energies. 

LNEG expresses its recognition to the project coordination the Centro Nacional de Experimentación de Tecnologías de Hidrógenio y Pilas de Combustible (CNH2) and the funding of the INTERREG SUDOE program (SOE3_P3_E0901) as an EU financial instrument for the preservation of the natural capital of South-West Europe and its adaptation to climate change, under the IMPROVEMENT project – Integration of combined cooling, heating and power microgrids in zero-energy public buildings under high power quality and continuity of service requirements. 

Access to the full program of the event here.

Access the presentations of the event here.

Access the published publication here.

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